High definition aerial views of Belle-Ile:
(Caution ! big files: a high flow connection is necessary)

General view of Belle-Ile (7,9 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 2 meters)

North coast of Belle-Ile (4,6 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)

North-East coast of Belle-Ile (5,4 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)

East coast ofBelle-Ile (6,3 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)

South-East coast of Belle-Ile (6,6 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)


South-West coast of Belle-Ile (4,7 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)

West coast of Belle-Ile (7,7 Mo) (about 1 pixel for 1 meter)


Belle-Île (in Breton: Enez ar Gerveur). The island was also named Vindilis by the Gallo-Romans, which means "island of winds". The poetess Eva Jouan had named Belle-Île "the well-named" in one of the poems of her collection "De la grève", published in 1896.

Belle-Île is the largest of the Breton islands. It is a plateau of 85 km² notched by many small valleys. Unlike its neighbours Houat and Hoedic, which are granitic islands, Belle-Île is made of schist. Thus, the coastline has undergone a massive erosion from the sea, mainly in the South-West part facing the ocean (Wild Coast). The schist does not become polished, it weathers and makes cliffs alternating with many beaches and sheltered creeks.

The climate of Belle-Île is very oceanic and enjoys an important sunny period. Frost is rare, it rains more seldom than on the continent and the winters are mild (average low temperature is 9°C), which allows the Mediterranean plants to grow.

Belle-Île has four communes:
Le Palais, main harbour. Accessible by the ferry from Quiberon.
Sauzon, second harbour. Accessible by maritime links during summer.

Locmaria, located in the eastern part of the island, more dedicated to agriculture.
Bangor, hiding some of the most beautiful beaches of the wild coast behind its fields and moors.

The inhabitants live in more than 150 villages, distributed on the whole surface of the island (there are two "Bornor" and two "Kerzo").
By clicking on some of these villages (about 35 villages, for the moment), you may access to some more pictures...

Sauzon Le Palais Foreland of Les Poulains Ster Vraz cove Beach of Donnant Vazen cove Bangor Goulphar cove Beach of Kerel Yeyew creek Beach of Dotchot Beach of Herlin Beach of Baluden Pouldon cove Beach of Les Grands Sables Beach of Kerlédan Locmaria Gros Rocher foreland Bugul foreland Port Gwenn Donnant Port Guen Bordardoué Port Yorc'h Port An Dro Anter Keroyan Ty-Neue Bordelann Bedex Kervilahouen Borzose Vazen Envag Kergallic Grand Village Arnaud Borsarazin Borcastel Kerguec'h Bourdoulic Grand Cosquet Kerel Bordelouet Samzun Ripcuh Bornor (of Bangor) Kerzo (of Locmaria) Bortifaouen Borgrois Borderun Kerledan Kerdonis Logonet Bordehouat Bordardoué Le Coty Domois

Remarkable places:
The Vauban Citadel of Palais
The needles of Port-Coton, painted by Claude Monet
The Cave of "Apothicairerie"
The harbour of Sauzon with its pastel painted houses
The Foreland of "Les Poulains"
The Beach of Donnant

Useful links :
Belle-Ile websites directory
(many links and addresses): http://www.belle-ile.info
To come to Belle-Ile (Compagnie Oceane website): http://www.compagnie-oceane.fr/
Tourism Office website: http://www.belle-ile.com
Website of the CCBI (Communauté de Communes de Belle-Ile en Mer): http://ccbi.fr
Holiday France Direct Travel Guide:

New ! : Pictures of Belle-Ile: http://via-images.com/belleile/thumb.html

Nice pictures of Belle-Ile: http://www.florent-gury.com/index.php?/categories

Aerial pictures and panoramic views of Belle-Ile taken from a kite : http://ormes54.club.fr/ALBUM/kap/divers/belile09/index.html
Photos, links and videos about Belle-Ile
: http://belleileenweb.free.fr
(see more particularily in the page "liens" the INA website: many videos about Belle-Ile)
Very beautiful pictures of Belle-Ile:http://www.belle-ile-photos.com
Very beautiful pictures of Belle-Ile: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/belleile/
Pictures of Belle-Ile on a blog : http://madeinfrancoise2.skynetblogs.be
Some photos
of Belle-Ile and Britanny: http://photos-balades.over-blog.com/article-13756462.html
Some old postcards of Belle-Ile
Some photos of Belle-Ile
: http://perso.orange.fr/danielle.esposito/belleile.html
Some photos of Belle-Ile: http://www.pbase.com/henkbinnendijk/belleile
Some photos of Belle-Ile: http://glr81.free.fr/blog/index.php?gallery/bretagne/belle-ile/

Beautiful pictures of bodyboarders at Donnant: http://www.pbase.com/georges_felix/donnant
Aerial views of Belle-Ile
: http://www.survoldefrance.fr/affichage.php?lieu=Belle-ile-en-mer
Your holidays at Belle-Ile en Mer: http://www.belleileenmer.com
Website of Belle-Ile (pictures, history, art): http://www.sauzon.com/

Locmaria website: http://locmaria-belle-ile.com/
Palais website: http://www.lepalais.fr/
Sauzon official website: http://www.sauzon.fr/
Bangor website : http://www.bangor.fr/

Societies, associations of Belle-Ile, events, websites, etc. :

"Lyrique-en-mer" Festival
: (music festival) http://www.belle-ile.net

Society of History of Belle-Ile : http://belle-ile-histoire.org/
Website of the SNBI (Société Nautique de Belle-Ile): http://www.snbi.fr

Music at "Le Kervi": Website of KCJB (Kervi Celti Jazz Band): http://www.kcjb.fr/
Keltan: music from Britanny and Ireland (with musicians from Belle-Ile) :
around Belle-Ile: http://www.peche-belleile.com/site_uk/arnaud.html
Trek at Belle-Ile: http://marandobelleile.canalblog.com/

Artist website: Françoise Bangor: http://francoisebangor.free.fr

Other Breton websites:
Directory and guide of Britanny:

Breton website: http://www.portailbreton.net/
Breton website:
Monthly magazine of the "Golfe du Morbihan": http://www.morbihan.lemensuel.com/
Website of Government services in Britanny: www.bretagne.pref.gouv.fr
Beautiful photos of Britanny: http://www.couleurs-iroise.net

Website of the island of Quemenes: http://iledequemenes.fr : island farm and guest rooms on a almost uninhabited small island in Iroise Sea; visit their superb blog !
3D modeling of the lighthouses of Britanny (for flight simulation):

Dances and music from Britanny: http://www.nozbreizh.fr/ (more than 11000 titles of Breton music are listed)
Breton cultural website (websites concerning the language and the culture of Britanny): http://www.gwalarn.org
Traditional breton songs:


Here are some keys to decode the local toponimy of Belle-Ile:

Bag Boat...................... Enez/Iniz Island.................... Moen/Voen Narrow................. Ruz/Ru Red
Basse Shoal (full of fish) Fri Foreland Men............. Stone Stang.... Small valley, glen


Foreland Groh Cave Pen Foreland Ster Deep estuary
Ber.................. Short Gwenn/Gwen White Porh Creek Toul Hole
Bihan/Vihan Small Hir Long Poul Basin Rib Shore
Bolen Elevated rock Koh Old Puns Well Tache Fishing spot on the coast
Braz/Vraz Big Kouar.............. Crevice Roz Slope Tal Brow
Don Deep Melen/Velen Yellow Run Hill Vil Ugly
Du Black            










De Goulphar à l'île Bangor De Goulphar à l'île Bangor Pointe des Poulains Aiguilles de Port-Coton Plage de Donnant De Donnant au Grand Guet De Goulphar à l'île Bangor De Goulphar à l'Ile Bangor De Goulphar à l'île Bangor De l'île Bangor à Porh Gwenn De Porh Gwenn à Kastel Brand De Kastel Brand au Skeul Du Skeul à Kerzo De Kerzo à La Biche De La Biche à la pointe Bugul De La Biche à la pointe Bugul De la pointe Bugul à Port Guen De la pointe Bugul à Port Guen Le Palais Des Curés à Port Jean Sauzon Sauzon De Fri Mez à Kerledan De Kerledan à Donnant De Baguen Hir à Fri Mez